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Drag and drop game development software for anyone to use

Drag and drop game development software for anyone to use

Vote: (2,340 votes)

Program license: Free

Developer: Yoyo Games

Version: 8.1

Works under: Windows

Also available for Android Mac


Program license

(2,340 votes)




Yoyo Games


Works under:

Also available for


Android Mac


  • Simple, easy to use drag and drop features for those who don't know a programming language.
  • Ability to edit the drag and drop features.
  • Basic support to create almost any kind of game.


  • Even with the ability to modify script, this isn't for intermediate or expert users. I looked through this program from an educational point of view, and it's a great tool for beginners who need to somewhere to start.

Game Maker is game development tool by YoYo Games, and is used to make quite a few different genres for basic games. While it's not exactly a hard-hitting program used for making the most perfect games on the market, it's great for gaming enthusiasts who have yet to become in-depth programmers.

What kinds of games can you make? With the drag and drop programming command and scripts that can be edited, you can honestly make anything. If you have a limited scope of programming experience or plan on getting started with Game Maker for your first game, a few basic genres are at your disposal.

Roleplaying Games - RPGs have become different over the past decade, but the general premise is the same. Building a character sheet and developing a character over time by increasing stats such as strength, agility or intellect and having adventures where the story is the main feature.

Of course, many games from shooters to puzzles have adopted RPG elements, as storytelling can be attached to any genre to add significant depth.

Shooters - Guns, lasers and missiles, oh my! Shooters are one of the most understood games, taking cues from war and conflict in order to bring excitement to the player.

Whether your game is in first person by looking around the environment through you own eyes or third person with the camera following your character, having ranged weapons to destroy the enemy is a time-honored tradition in gaming.

Racing - Cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats and even airplanes are included in this genre. Racing games are well know for delivering the need for speed. While the simple idea of a racing game may not sound like much, you'll be surprised how in depth racing fans will want to get.

Performance parts from different makers, modified engines, realistic terrains and famous race tracks are just a few of the unique features in most modern racing games.

Platformers - Jumping from block to block, running across challenging levels with interesting obstacles and collecting items along the way are just a few staples of the Platform genre. While platformers have merged with adventure games and a few other genres, the days of Mario Bros. and Sonic the Hedgehog are far from over.

Game Make gives you the tools to make any of these game types, or even work towards something to new. The code needed for creating games are contained in blocks used for simple drag and drop action to tell your game what to do and how to do it.

Again, if you have a bit more experience with modifying code and just want a set of training wheels, Game Maker allows you to break up some of the blocks for your own use.


  • Simple, easy to use drag and drop features for those who don't know a programming language.
  • Ability to edit the drag and drop features.
  • Basic support to create almost any kind of game.


  • Even with the ability to modify script, this isn't for intermediate or expert users. I looked through this program from an educational point of view, and it's a great tool for beginners who need to somewhere to start.